Dehydrated Cinnamon Apples

    dehydrated apples

    Baking/Cooking Instructions:

    1. Wash apples and dry with paper towel. 
    2. Slice both apples thinly using the mandolin. 
    3. Lightly spray Air Fry rack with cooking spray.
    4. Lay apples on the Air Fry Tray so that they don’t overlap. 
    5. Mix cinnamon and sugar in a small bowl. 
    6. Sprinkle all cinnamon sugar mix on the one side of the apples.  
    7. Place in the center rack of the oven with the drip tray on a rack beneath.  
    8. Dehydrate at 77C/170F for 3-5 hours or until crisp. 

    Note: Store any leftovers in a dry, cool place.


  1. 2 medium red apples
  2. 1 tsp. (3g) Cinnamon
  3. 3 Tbsp. (13g) Sugar
  4. Cooking Spray